Treat mange in dogs with raw food

Treat mange in dogs with raw food

You can treat mange in dogs with raw food

Nala (1) is a mixed breed that started raw 6 months old. Nala was a rescue at 6 weeks old dumped at shelter. She had mange as a puppy and nothing the vets prescribed or advised cleared it up. Until we switched to raw and within a few days it was noticeably better. With the aid of coconut oil her skin fully healed within weeks!
Nala’s page:

My comment:

I have seen this many times now. You can treat mange in dogs with raw food. What happens is that raw food restores the immune system and the body will fight the disease. This is much better than any medication can do. Also try adding sulfur to the diet. I have seen amazing results with this natural mineral.  If you do not know how to administer sulfur let me know.

About The Author

Thomas Sandberg

I'm on a life mission to help dogs and cats live longer healthier lives and reduce the risk of cancer in pets. Join my research project at:

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